IPFS Pinning


What is IPFS?

The Interplanetary File System (IPFS (opens in a new tab)) is a distributed file storage protocol that allows computers all over the globe to store and serve files as part of a giant peer-to-peer network.

Pinning a File

What is Pinning?

Pinning is the mechanism that allows you to tell IPFS to store and keep a given object somewhere — the default being your local node, though in this case you will be pinning the object to the Fleek's IPFS Node.

How to pin a file?

There are many different ways that you could use Fleek interfaces to pin a file on IPFS:

To pin a file using the CLI you need to be authenticated, with a project selected, and use the add command.

Pinning a file
    > fleek ipfs add hello.txt
    IPFS Hash: Qmanou5uhcGhyW7noyB7LNFJBZkKcuUZnmpHeQSaidJ367

When the file has been uploaded, you will get the Content Hash corresponding to the file or directories uploaded. You can user a public IPFS gateway to check the uploaded file, like this.

How to view/resolve a file?

With the files' IPFS hash at hand (e.g. Qmanou5uhcGhyW7noyB7LNFJBZkKcuUZnmpHeQSaidJ367), you can view or resolve your file by using any public or private IPFS gateway.

For example, using IPFS' public gateway by appending the hash in the appropiate section: (opens in a new tab).

In the near future, Fleek will add custom domain gateway options for users who want custom gateway endpoints - as well as a default public option.